Hibiki's Lounge

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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Sleeping late ??? BATMAN !!!!

Does university students sleep after 12am ???
The answer is YES in MMU... and the reasons are: yam cha (drink tea), play PC games, watch football, and last but no least STUDY (only when exam is around the corner)
This is not only happening in MMU, but also other IPTA/IPTS...

Well, I'm one of them too... when I just step in MMU, it was a totally different story...
Getting on bed on 11pm... wake up at around 8-10 am (if there's no class)...
That was wat my life style was... But now... I would have to someties FORCE myself to sleep at early hours...
Not to mention having a PC in my room... A major distraction...

I seldom go out for yam cha... maybe once or twice a week...
But I prefer EARLY yam cha... that would end before 1am...

Therefore, now I have to join study group to keep myself out of my room, especially away from my PC in order to let me concentrate on my revision... I'm not sure about others, but I can't really focus if I have a PC beside me. Moreover, food (tit-bits) is there in my room and refrigerator... For every 15 mins of study, I will give myself a 10 mins break for tit-bits or PC...


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