Hibiki's Lounge

Take a seat, rest your feet, enjoy a cup of hot coffee!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Motherboard warranty means no PC for next Trimester

After having my lunch in town (Masjid Tanah, of course)... i went to the shop where I bought my Nokia 6630... one of my friend works there... so I ask him to check out my phone... I was unable to delete a folder from my memory card... and that shop have a memory card reader, so I ask for his help... so we chat while he was doing me a favor... the moment he re-insert the MMC card in to my handphone, it rang! I though it was I joke form him... so it didn't really triggered my reflects... but 3 seconds later, I realise it was real a phone call... so I pick up and answer... that's when the bad news arrived..!!!

"Is this Mr. Ang?"
"We are from XXX PC shop... we've inspected the PC u've sent over... and found out that the ASUS motherboard CMOS is corrupted... so we need to send it for warranty claim..."
"Oh ok... so how long would it take...?"
"Erm... about one to two months..."
"Huh?!" I noded "Where are you going to send it to?"
"Taiwan... the factory is in Taiwan" This really kick my nerves...
"Don't they have any service centers in Malaysia?"
"No. we need to send it to Taiwan."
"Then can I get or rent a motherboard until my board gets back."
"No. Unless u wanna buy a new one..." and he started intro-ing the motherboard they have...
"How much is the cheapest one ??"
"Erm... let me see..." he starts asking for the cheapest board "170...."
and it's from a brand that I had never heard before...
"Ok. so u just sent my motherboard over for repairs... I'll go pick-up my CPU later... thx"

What good does a CPU without a motherboard??? haha... not funny... that means I won't be having my PC until my next trimester break!!!! Wah lau... then wat to do... unless I buy a new motherboard... well, this is when my endurance is challenged!!! Surviving university life without a PC... interesting... if I'm still alive.. i think i'll be bored to death!!!! God help me!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005





玩 過之後,我深深著迷網路遊戲迷人的地方,可以交朋友,可以練功,可以跟一群朋友去廝殺'去冒險'去打寶.後來下了班,我也成為網咖的常客.但是網咖的環境 不是很好,人多又亂,所以我自己買了電腦可以在家玩.每天下了班回到家所做的事情,就是打開電腦,跟著我的盟友一起去冒險.但是漸漸的我發現,下班之後練 功的時間有限,如果練晚一點,隔天上班又沒精神,所以我毅然決然的辭了工作,來專心玩天堂.







我 母親走了,是的...她離開我們了....為了家裡的經濟,她用她並不是狀況很好的身體去工作,積勞成疾,得了肝癌,但是我卻深埋網路世界中,完全不知道 她身體上的變化,等到知道時,我只是收到了一張死亡通知單,和去殯儀館看我母親的最後一面...當晚,我像一個遊魂的騎著機車到處亂逛,騎到了淡水海邊, 我坐在沙灘上抽著煙,開始回想起 過去的一切...



這3 年我甚至不記得我女朋友何時離開我的,我只知道本來我玩天堂的時候,總會有一個人坐在旁邊陪我,但是她何時不在來我家陪我了,說真的,我沒有印象,因為在 天堂中,總有個貼心的婆會陪我一起練,跟我談心,我覺得她甚至比我現實的女朋友好,有這樣的婆在身邊,何必要現實的女友,所以因為網路遊戲,我失去了現實 世界的愛情.


隔 天,我在天堂表明離去的意願,令我訝異的是,那些我所謂的好盟友,甚至我心愛的婆,都只是問我:[你不玩了..那裝備可以給我嗎?]看著他們說出的那些 話,意外的,我不生氣,也不感嘆他們的無情.因為似乎,早就知道他們得知我要離去時,他們真正關心的是什麼,所以我沒有眷戀,裝備都了人,你問我心痛嗎? 我可以跟你說,如果你碰到同樣的事情,要你把裝備給別人,如果你是沉迷於網路世界中的人,那你會心痛,反之,則沒感覺.


當 晚,我又去淡水海邊,思考我的未來.一切從頭開始吧,我這樣告訴自己.回首3年,好像做了一場夢,很不實際的夢....那些網路上並肩作戰的朋友,還有貼 心的婆,我現在想想,他們到底是誰...我現實中完全不認識,但我竟然跟那些虛幻的人,浪費了3年的光 陰.我離去時,他們只關心我的裝備而不是我離去的原因,我才發現,原來大家所謂的結盟,都只是互相利用而已.





是 的,我3年後的第一份薪水,只能燒給我母親.當天我懊悔的在我母親墳前大哭,我好懊悔因為網路失去了我母親,我多希望聽到她的聲音,我多希望在看到她的背 影,我多希望在吃到她親手幫我煮的每一餐,我好恨我自己感覺好像3年沒看到我母親,竟然連她的臉我要回想都感到模糊.但是..已經失去的.永遠也挽不回 來...




Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Back to the PC shop!!!

I'm so fed up with my PC... it hangs and restarts so frequently that I may not have the time to even start a program... it's been such a way since yesterday! and today, the "auto shut down sindrom" is still around... now, I can't even start my Windows properly... once it gets into Windows, it will restart the PC by itself...

I've tried many time to fix it... but all goes to a waste... so, I've decided to sent it to a PC shop for inspection... to find the root of my 6 months misery... but hopefully it won't take too long to fix... cos I'd really need to have that PC around... to upload the pictures that I've taken using my HP using USB... well, for my home PC, the one that I'm currently using to type this blog, is not accepted by the HP's PC suite program... the installation program even says "OS not supported"... this shows how Windows 98 is being forgotten... anyway, I'll still be able to post my blog but maybe without any pictures for some time... hehe... i would say, pictures are better than words... don't you agree?

SMS online for free - Hotlink WebSMS

finally can get connected to Rain in Singapore... thank to Hotlink's WebSMS...
using it, I can send SMS for free... ^o^ well, actually, Rain is the one who needs to send free SMS...
the charge per SMS back to Malaysia is RM 1.00
and calling rates is RM 1.50

if I were the one to call Rain, then it's going to charge both ends of the phone...
normal calling rate for me (RM 0.30 per min) and international roaming rate for Rain (RM 1.50 per min)...
this can really make a guy bankrup just to call for 10 mins... we need to pay a total of RM 18.00...

The calling rates and SMS for international roaming is expensive...
so the alternative is connect through internet.... the cheapest and fastest way to connect...
through Instant Messenging, of course !!! (^-^)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

D-link modem = turtle speed

The D-Link DSL modem is really turtle slow when it comes to downloading using bit-torrent.... the unfriendly user interface and the most important thing is... I can't find any "Port Forwarding" setting within the interface... That's wat crucial for BT freeks like me... oh man! and now my BT download speed can only go up to a total of 20 kBps...

My original DSL modem was Prolink... but I sent it for service and the retail shop was so kind to have borrowed me a backup modem that they have... but it turns out to be "not so good for BT"....

Lame firefox!!!!!

While I'm using my PC this evening, it suddently automatically shut off... and after I restart it... I found nothing was lost... except ALL my firefox bookmarks!!!!!

all the bookmarks I've kept is lost!!!! damn it! but luckily I made a backup of it... but it's one month before since I did the bookmark backup... so I lost lots of websites where I need to re-surf to recover them... haih......

Thursday, October 20, 2005



看起来真有点像猪头。。。 (~_~")


Sunday, October 16, 2005

Finally got Nokia 6630

Finally got my Nokia 6630... haha.... ^O^

well, there's not much I can do at first... but later I found out that there are many applications that I can install into my HP... although I wanted to install as many useful applications as posible.. but the threat of Symbian viruses and my memory card size (512 MB) ceased me of doing so...

But after all, I'm quite delighted with the phone... although there's much to be learned...

Picture taken using my Nokia 6630:

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Nokia 6630

我 面临在两架手机之间做选择!Nokia 3230和Nokia 6630!之前我蛮迷恋Nokia 3230,但到一位朋友的手机店试机和询问价钱时,他介绍了Nokia 6630。因为我的Budget也在RM1100左右,所以买价钱稍微贵RM75的6680比较值得。不过我对6630是一无所知,所以必须再到处试机才 能做决定。而且我朋友刚购买了3230,所以也在他哪里知道了3230的功能。据我所知,我朋友也没向我投诉任何3230的问题。

Nokia 3230:RM 1090
Nokia 6630:RM 1165

Nokia 6630真的是超值的手机,1.3 MegaPixel的相机、Stereo的扩音器、超快的Memory Card、3G 手机、Symbian的OS...真的很想拥有Nokia 6630!!!!

Dusk at Masjid Tanah

A picture of dusk from my room at Masjid Tanah!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Waking up "early" is really a difficult job for me... Especially during my semester break... But today, I did wake up at 930am... Preparing myself for a date with my GF... haha...!!! ^o^

First date after a long period of STUDY STUDY STUDY... anyway, that morning was really a bummer... Heavy rain in the morning... giving me a chill after my shower... but all went well except some MINOR problem... but on top of that, we had a nice date... haha ^o^

Having Japanese Cuisine as our lunch... well, we didn't know wat to order... cos it's our first time to a Japanese Restaurant... so, we ask for advised from the waitress... She kindly point out to us the dishes that are popular among the customers... So we ate around RM 50 for that meal... Quite cheap for dining in a Japanese Restaurant...

Then we went for a movie... "Wait till you're older!" starring Andy Lau... which tells a story of a kid where his mother committed suicide and he is currently staying with his father and stepmother... he hated everything and he wanted to grow up... so that he can leave the family... and one day he bummed into a weird old guy who happens to look like those mad scientist... he accidentally came in contact with a "growing" potion made by the old man that made him an adult over night...

Friday, October 07, 2005

New Guestbook Added!!!

I've added a guestbook link in the sidebar!
Please do sign it before you leave.... thanks! (^o^)


Finally!!! Semester Break!

Finally finish my final exams... huh... wat a relief!!! Although my last paper, Fluid Mechanics was quite tough... I can still complete it... but the one thing that makes me angry is the lecturer, who was suppose to clear our doubt on the questions given is not helping much. Instead, he was like showing dissatisfied expressions to us... many complaint about his un-friendliness... he also made an announcement during the exam that the question given is VERY clear... and there r no mistake... however, one of the question was like "wat the heck is it talking about?"... at first I asked THE lecturer, Dr. L... and I showed the illustration that I drawn and asked his confirmation... then he was like... "it is not important to know the figure!" but then I found out that without the figure, we can't really do any calculations... so I asked again... this time to another more friendly lecturer, Ms. G... she was like an angel saving me from that confusing question... she kindly draw out wat was supposed to be the illustration... so I completed that question with ease...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Peaceful nap in study place! ^o^

When I was so nervous having to note down all the formulas for my fluid mechanics... there was "somebody" that is so relax and even slept side by side with "his" partner... as the people in Plaza Siswa food court were reduced by half... that was the time... the final day before my last paper... Most of them there were my course mates... and wat took my attention was "them"... they were like taking a nap, so peaceful and undisturbed by the noise from the last minute-hardworking students... try having a nap in a study place... and take your partner along...

Here's a few of the pictures that I took secretly without them noticed!
Wat a cute couple!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Two more papers to freedom!!!

Dynamic exam was like too easy d ??? (Someone will scold me for saying so...)

Too start off with... the invigilator was a foreigner... and like his voice can really "reach out"... even without a mic... after filling up all the neccesary forms... he was like reading the rules and regulations... and oh boy... I really have to say, I heard enough of the same phases and words repeating over and over every trimester for every subject... I can even repeat the phases already... and the worst thing is I'll have to listen to it for another 3 years...

the invigilator reads out a part that sounded "u are allow to read the question for 5 minutes and u are not allow to write! please start reading now!"... so as usual, everyone opens up the question paper and "reads"... that is when he started shooting at us... "close the question paper", "u are not allowed to read the question", "don't u understand english", etc... I was like wat the hack...?? he's the one announced that we can read the question paper... and now he's acting against it... huh ? wat the...???

Then, 5 minutes before we start... he announced AGAIN that we may read the questions!

Well, I managed to settle 1st two question.. although the 1st was like... erm... confusing... however I still manage to clear the fog...

I skipped question 3 at first because i was uncertain about the situation describe there... I proceed to question 4... and only manage to get half of the question done... question 5 was too diffcult for me... and needed quite some time to complete... so I headed back to question 3, which I left off earlier... and wat I did was just like 2 out of 3 parts that is half of the full mark for that question...

then I had no choice but to return to question 4, where I finish another quarter of the question before the invigilator starting to shout: "STOP WRITING!!! I SAY STOP WRITTING!" and he started shooting at thos who are still burying their head and those who did not close their answer sheet or still holding any pen on the hand... so I've missed the oppotunity to complete the other quarter of question 4...



当时就让我迷上了FLASH MOVIE!而《摘星》就是哪里的戏剧之一!
也让我接触了吴若权的小说...当时KOKORO只有四五个FLASH故事!但我也一一的下载,虽然用的是DIAL-UP 56 kbps的connection...回想起来也觉得自己蛮恐怖的,拼命的下载十到二十个小时...


到这里观赏KOKORO的FLASH: http://www.kokoro.com.tw/

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Applied Dynamics Exam... relaxed ????

kinda weird to relax last minute before my dynamics exam...
well, I can't really study anymore.. dunno why?
maybe it's the urge to finish exam and play!!!
i realy have no mood of studying in the afternoon.. maybe it's because of the hot weather! who knows!!!???
but sleeping don't really boast my energy, wake up to find myself soak in my own sweat... hope all of this will be over soon!!!!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Countdowns: CyberP --> Dynamics --> Eng Maths 3

I'm having my CyberP exam tomorrow afternoon... but still, I haven't go to bed!!!

After having to exercise my Dynamics skills (complete the tutorials actually), I need to study for tomorrow's CyberP exam... although it's only 100 MCQ questions... but they are quite tough... realise it after I did the exercise given... and wat bothers me is this subject will be greded... not just pass and fail... so really need to focus a bit more on studying this subject... well, hope that the exam is not too difficult... and I'm not sure whether I have the time to complete both my dynamics and Eng maths revision, which the exam is just 2 days away... and 1 days apart from each other...

Best of luck for all that is taking final exams (and me myself also, of course!)
(P.S: really hope the exam would end soon but that means I would have less time to prepare... so ironic...!!!!)